Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Unholy Media Productions Presents: EXTENZED!
You've seen the commercials, you've questioned the validity, you've pondered the possibilities, you've mulled over the answers, you've stared into the looking glass of prophecies (OK that's a little far-fetched). Now let us open your eyes to the truth. Men prepared to be impressed; Women pretend to be impressed.

Unholy Media Productions has distilled the sweet taste of truth from the succulent grain-alcohol of marketing (and it is delicious). We have fought the battle of marketing injustice and destroyed the monster that is advertising lies. We fight for the men who clicked that piece of email spam that haunts your inbox and taunts your conscious with its promise of "Male Enhancement" We know you wanted to click it, so we here at Unholy Media Productions did the unthinkable (and now are being plagued by more "male enhancement" spam than any decent human needs). We did our research, we prayed to our gods (4 to be exact), and rolled the dice of chance, all in the name of truth, justice, and America.

The fact of the matter is that EXTENZED Natural Male Enhancement does enhance, it does increase, it does enlarge... YOUR NOSE! Check it:

* Unholy Media Productions does not think that Extenzed works. Further we do not believe that any person regardless of age, sex or race should click on "Male Enhancement" emails
** Unholy Media Productions has posted the below ACTUAL testimonials from the real product below for your entertainment:

"I actually took them for over a year with no sign of growth. Later I became very sick and was hospitalized and the doctors discovered the pills were giving me lead poisoning due to large amounts of lead in the extenze pills. THIS IS SUCH A SCAM. Your better off dangling a 5 pound weight that's tied to your johnson every night than taking these, serious." - Lester

"So I have been using this product for 1 year and I have to say, it has actually made me smaller. My girlfriend left me for my best friend. Thanks ExtenZe" - Shane

"When the product arrived, I was so excited. I even called up my mother to tell her the good news. But, the news wasn't good. Extenze didn't work. I have not grown at all. I am still tiny, and my bank account is now also tiny. :( " - Snuggles

"why my husband was suckered into this scam is beyond me! I am so pissed about the fraudulent charges that even if his penis grew he would have to enjoy it all by himself!" - Kim

1 comment:

  1. Man, you have dashed my dreams. Clearly the pharmaceuticals need to stop wasting time on curing cancer and focus on male enhancement. I know for a fact that this is an epidemic in America... wow, that made me sound like a slut
